Tuesday 15 June 2010


Another thing I relish when he does it to me is holding my wrists together. Even though his hands are of a very normal size he can easily hold both wrists in one hand.
I cannot recount how many times he comes up to me for a cuddle and within seconds I can feel my arms being pulled behind my back and both my wrists clasped in one of his hands.

This leaves his other hand free to roam.....He will kiss me deeply, everytime taking my breath away and I moan into his mouth. His other hand will sometimes very tenderly cradle my face, other times it will find my nipple and pinch it hard.

I think he is starting to enjoy how he can make me gasp....


His Angel

Thursday 10 June 2010


I have days where the sun is shining and all seems alright with the world and then there are days like today. Its a bit cloudy and dark outside and inside myself it feels the same. Everything feels heavy around me. There are lots of reasons for this. Often I am able to pick myself up quite quickly by giving myself a stern talking to.

The fact that I know he worries about things too, is hard. We are going through a very difficult phase in our lives. We just cant be together yet and neither of us know how much longer it will be. He handles the being without each other a little better I think than I do, simply because he is more used to it from his past worklife. I am learning lots of things about myself. I am learning that I love being in a relationship. I adore doing the mundane things like chores together. The thought of being able to have a cuddle just when you need it in the day is lovely and not having to wait for four days before you know you can see each other again. Even then you know the time you will have together is always too short.
Its amazing how much we do in a morning together, its always beautiful and warm and gorgeous and without problems. Even when we have really tough conversations we still are very loving and very tactile.

So today I have no sexy things for you........For all the couples out there who are having a life together, stand still and enjoy for a moment how precious life really is......


His Angel

Monday 7 June 2010

Telling her.

Telling my daughter was one of the hardest moments in my life. How do you tell a teenager that Mum and Dad are going to seperate? My daughter has had me at her beck and call all of her life, you see she had some major medical issues since she was only a little toddler and I became her carer as well as being her Mum. It made our bond incredibly strong. It's only in the last year of still staying together it became too difficult.

Ex-hubby and I were trying to stay together until she was 16 and had finished school but life became so incredibly difficult. The things that got me through the day was knowing I would meet my other half in a few days or at the weekend coming. With him I would get the love and understanding I never received within my marriage. Don't get me wrong, my ex husband is not a bad guy at all but he is not the man I want to grow old with, the one I can grow old with....

I always had to be the adult, make the important decisions in life and felt so alone. He did not have my back and I could not go on like that. So eventually we stayed together for another 10 years (madness really looking back on it but you do anything for your kids, dont you?)

As for now I have embarked on a new life. It's so scary but also exciting. So many things to discover, not the least my submissive nature. It has only just now been able to come to the surface because I have finally found someone who really understands me and loves me for who I am.....


His Angel


Do you ever wonder how on earth you got to this point in your life? You question decisions that you have made, very important ones, what if I had chosen a different path?

The fact is that I am sitting here today, 40 years young, seperated however not yet divorced, with a wonderful man in my life. Except I want the normal 24 hour a day domesticity with him....Or would it be as special?


His Angel

Saturday 5 June 2010

Text message

"Kettle on, knickers off" is the text message that comes through on my phone. Secretely I have been hoping for this kind of text but every time it does surprise me. Does he mean it, or is he joking? I am thinking to myself. We have no specific rules within our relationship, no set DD plan that we are working on. All I know is that I have a deepseated desire to please him, to make him so incredibly happy.

I decide to do as he asks, I run upstairs and take off the cute panties I had put on. I love having cute lingerie on because I am forever trying to seduce him. I hear his car pull up outside my house and I am not quite ready. I start to giggle nervously, relishing every minute of how he is making me feel with just a simple text. I straighten my skirt, my hands smooth the side of the skirt over my hips as I skip down the stairs to let him in.

I open the frontdoor with such a happy smile on my face, only to be greeted by a very handsome face adorned with the biggest grin. As soon as he steps in the door, he pulls me in for a tight cuddle, he kisses me. After we finally let go and I walk over to the kettle to make us a pot of tea he follows up behind me, one hand on my tummy, his other very gently on my naked thigh. His breath in my ear, "Stand still my Angel", I listen instantly, his hand moves up my thigh, around my velvet soft round bum, the next thing I hear is "Just checking, now there is a good girl...." and I melt in that instance.


His Angel


I had never been a fan of spanking until I met him. He had never been a fan at all. In fact one of our original meetings involved him telling me that he was not dominant at all. This is the same man who now enjoys wrapping his hand lightly around my throat, he knows I trust him implicitely. Quite often I will stretch my neck to give him better access. I relish the feeling of his hands on my throat.

Its such a powerful feeling, the strength of his hands could so easily do an injury but when you combine it with the look of love and lust on his face its so loving and powerful. I guess I will have to back to the spanking another time.....


His Angel

Meeting Him

"Meeting for a coffee cant hurt, can it?" Neither of us had any other intention than having coffee. We had been talking through the net for a few months now. As time progressed, there was a connection. My heart would flutter if I saw him signing in. See, I am not the only mushy one here, apparently when I agreed to that coffee meeting, he ran around his office doing a happy dance, shhhh, of course he will deny saying that lol.....

However the time and the place were set. I remember meeting him so clearly. Him, ever the gentleman, waiting outside the coffee shop for me. Apparently he recognised me straightaway. We hugged briefly and gave each other a polite peck on the cheek. The first thought that shot through my mind was: thank goodness he is not my type. I was so vulnerable you see, having been in a loveless marriage, aged 37, for nearly 7 years. I was like a plant without water, I was starting to wilt from the inside. My sparkle had gone for a long time but the day I met him I came alive again.

Dont get me wrong, the last 3 years have been incredibly hard, sometimes it was maybe easier to walk away but there is something so special between us both that neither of us take the easy way out. Time will tell if we are meant to be living together.......


His Angel

Friday 4 June 2010

I hear the door being shut really gently downstairs, this means he has found the key and let himself in. Very soft footstep coming up the stairs, I turn over so I can see him coming into the bedroom. He walks over to the bed and kisses my cheek so gently, "Hello my baby" he greets me with.

Next he walks over to the far side of the room and takes his t-shirt off, I admire his back, I adore his back. The jeans are off next, discarded on the floor, he slips into bed with me.......as soon as his body touches mine I can feel his arousal already. I love that I can turn him on like that. We are so hungry for each other. Our kisses start soft and gentle but soon they turn to passionately. His mouth devours mine......my mind starts to wander.....will we make love really slow and gently or will it turn wild. Will he start whispering into my ear, all the filth that I love to hear, will his hands turn over my body, with slight force, knowing very well who is in charge. I adore it when I feel the strength in his arms, moving me to exactly where he wants me.

Or will it be so gentle, his hands cradling my face as he enters me, his voice right there above me, looking deep into my eyes, "I love you my Angel", how I adore it when he calls me that.

Before you know it he will lock my wrists in his hands, I melt when he does this and he knows it....he starts to speed up and I can feel my insides starting to stir...What a beautiful way to be woken on a Sunday morning!


His Angel



I dont know why I chose today to start my blog. I have been reading blogs for over 4 years now and they have me hooked. Is my life interesting enough to be starting one of my own? Time will tell I suppose.....

My story started about 10 years ago and a lot has happened. For now the important things are, I am a mother, a lover, a treasured girlfriend and I have a submissive nature. This blog will take you on a journey, it may make you smile, cry, shout with rage but I promise you one thing.....I will always be honest in what I write....

Till next time.....

His Angel